Ten Great Prayers of the Bible Reveal the Secrets of Praying with Power
Prayer is the preface to real purpose, the prologue to God's power, the prelude to personal peace, and the precursor to world evangelism. When the ministry of prayer is elevated, so is every other ministry. Preaching becomes better with prayer. Witnessing becomes more effective with prayer. Government becomes more just with prayer.- This book is about empowerment, empowered to pray. It's an intimate look at some of the great prayers of the Bible. It's an insider's view of what pleases God when we pray.
Don't Miss Out On the Difference That God's Grace Can Make in Your Life.... It's Nothing Less Than Amazing!
We cannot help but sense there is something very special about God's grace. But do we really know what it is? Guarding the Gospel of Grace brings together the teaching of the book of Galatians on grace with the book of Jude's teaching on the result of straying from the gospel of grace.
When we accept payment for our sins, God the Holy spirit comes to dwell within us. Our fellowship with God is reinstated. Those who were dead in sin are made alive. Paul goes on so far as to say we are transformed. But it does not stop there. Like any healthy living creature, we need to grow. when we feed on "the pure milk of the Word" we find ourselves growing from a young, immature Christian into a man or woman of God able to rightly divide the Word of Truth. That is the Journey. A Christian's journey is not a journey into death; it is an journey into life.
Stories of Little People in the Bible used by a Big God to Impact their world.
When we get to heaven, we may be surprised as to who gets the top honours. Jesus gave a hint of that when He told His disciples, "the last will be first, and the first last"
Four "Heroes of the Faith" From the Era of the Judges Who are Found in Hebrews 11 - men selected by God to turn the tide and deliver Israel.
"With God there are no extraordinary people- only ordinary ones through whom He chooses to do extraordinary things."
The Book of Judges holds magnificent examples of His ability to take the most common among us and "from weakness" create giants in the faith. We will find our own reflections as we study Barak- the Faceless; Gideon- the Fearful; Jephthah- the Forsaken; and Sampson- the Failure.
Revised and Updated Edition of Revelation Illustrated and Made Plain The Biblical Foundation for the Best Selling Left Behind Series The Rapture of the Church, The Great Tribulation, The Return of Christ, The Final Battle Against Satan and his Hosts, The Millennial Reign and The New Heaven and New Earth.
In the twinkling of an eye, millions of people across the world vanish, resulting in highway catastrophes, plane crashes, utility breakdowns, and more. Chaos reigns, with the stage set, a dictator emerges who persecutes Christians horribly. But tribulation is about to give way to incredible joy- for the return of the King of Kings is at hand.
The Christian is involved in a war on three fronts: against the world, the flesh and the devil. This book is mainly about the third front, on which many modern Christians are least protected.
Jesus reveals His ability to supply everything we need through His "I AM" statements.
The "I am" statements of Jesus do not just describe variations of His unique ability or personality; they are statements of what He can do for you. They are snapshots of the sufficiency of God. They are eternal proofs that Jesus is all you need.
Belonging means you are part of something. It means there are people who value you as "part of them." We experience the joy of belonging when we become a Christian. This belonging, however is not based on what we wear or how we look. It stems soley from what Christ did for us at Calvary's cross. When we become part of God's family, we belong forever.
Of the 879 verses found in John's gospel, more than 660 are directly related to events occurring at these feasts. The Outpouring is an examination of the implications of the ministry and message of Jesus Christ in relationship to Israel's feasts as found in the gospel of John.
Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet, And A Light Unto My Path- Psalm 119:105
Do you ever wonder, "Why do I believe what I believe?" or "Is what I believe to be true about the Bible actually the truth and would I be able to defend it from Bible passages?"
This resource is laid out with simplicity in mind. Each topic goes to the centre of an issue and is then answered straight from scripture. This would be an excellent tool for discipleship or the classroom. For those tough questions that you get nailed with it is good to have a book that puts things simply and clearly.
In What to Wear to the War you'll become reacquainted with each piece of armour God has provided—and you'll learn how to use that armour in your daily skirmishes against the foe.