Do you find yourself becoming discouraged when you ask God for something and you don't get any results? Are you tempted to think that God doesn't care about your request—or worse yet, that He doesn't care about you?
If you've ever failed to receive something you prayed for, you're not alone! Probably every Christian has been disappointed in prayer at one time or another. Even some of the best known people in the Bible failed to receive their requests.
The rich man in Hades wanted someone to go warn his brothers to change their ways. James and John dreamed of sitting on the right and left hands of Jesus in the kingdom. The healed Gadarene demoniac begged to be allowed to accompany Jesus as one of His disciples. Those requests were not granted.
Wiersbe looks at these and other denied requests, demonstrating that when God says no to the believer, He has His child's best interests at heart.