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Drug Proof Your Kids- by Stephen Arterburn & Jim Burns


Drug Proof Your Kids- by Stephen Arterburn & Jim Burns

If you have a child age 14 or older, you can be almost certain that he or she has tried using drugs or alcohol.

Eighty-five percent of all young people say that they have experimented with intoxicating substances—a statistic that includes children from strong Christian families. But there is something you can do. Drugproof Your Kids gives you practical, biblical steps that you can take to head off or, if necessary, work through a drug crisis.  It will give you the most effective techniques available to keep your kids drug-free.

Freedom From Addiction- by Neil T. Anderson and Mike & Julia Quarles


Freedom From Addiction- by Neil T. Anderson and Mike & Julia Quarles

Breaking the Bondage of Addiction and Finding Freedom in Christ

This unique, Christ-centred model for recovery that has already helped hundreds of thousands break free from alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictive behaviours.  You'll discover how you can apply the powerful Steps to Freedom in Christ directly to the problem of addiction.

This powerful book opens with the gripping testimony of Mike and Julia Quarles, telling how Mike overcame a self-destructive addiction to alcohol.  You'll see firsthand how the hope of discovering and claiming one's identity in Christ is the only way to find true recovery.

Hallowe'en: Treat Or Trick?- by David Porter


Hallowe'en: Treat Or Trick?- by David Porter

Examine the background and current practice of Hallowe'en and look at its contemporary significance.

The Search For Freedom- by Robert McGee


The Search For Freedom- by Robert McGee

Setting Yourself Free From Controlling Strongholds -including Insecurity, Fear of Abandonment, Lust, Addiction, Poor Self- Esteem, and Anger.

Despite Christ's promise that "you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free, " countless Christians live in bondage.   Now McGee shows us how harmful behaviour and thought patterns can be broken in our lives through the CROP principle (Confession, Repentance, Obedience, and Praise), restoring the wholeness Christ died to give us.


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