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Spiritual Growth

Your Next Miracle- by Warren W. Wiersbe


Experiencing the Power of Christ in Everyday Life

In a few short years Peter, a common fisherman with many shortcomings, became a courageous spokesman for the risen Lord. How? Through daily encounters with Jesus Christ, Peter was molded into "The Rock."

Warren Wiersbe uses the life of Peter to demonstrate God's ability to change the lives of His followers. Each chapter takes an inspiring story from Scripture and thoughtfully applies it to our Christian walk. The healing of Peter's mother-in-law, the storm on the Sea of Galilee, and the cock's crowing after Peter's denial are only a few of the incidents that shaped Peter into an extraordinary man of faith.

God makes available for all His children the same power that changed Peter. This book will show you how God can transform your life from ordinary to miraculous and help you live daily on a miracle basis.

Paperback Cover- 156 Pages

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