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Struggling With Selfishness- by Woodrow Kroll


Choosing To Look Beyond Yourself To The Heart Of The Master

"When we act selfishly we may gain what we crave so intensely, but the price will be incredibly high—too high. If you must compromise your morality, your honesty, your intimacy and your blessing in the process of winning, as Jacob did, is it really a victory'?"

The patriarch Jacob spent his life struggling with selfish desires. He lied to his father, cheated his brother and endangered his family. And along the way he paid a high price for his self-centeredness. Not until he humbly limped away from a life-changing encounter with God did Jacob begin to overcome his selfishness and mend the hearts he had broken.

In this book Woodrow Kroll revisits the saga of Jacob to show us how we can conquer selfishness and experience joy and contentment as we live for God. If selfishness ever robs you of happiness or comes between you and your loved ones, then make the choice to look beyond yourself to the heart of One who selflessly gave up His life for yours.

Woodrow Kroll is the President and Bible Teacher for Back to the Bible. For ten years he served as the president of Practical Bible College in Binghamton, New York. He has written more than a dozen books and is a popular speaker at such conferences as The Cove, Bibletown and Word of Life. Dr. Kroll and his wife, Linda, reside in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Paperback Cover- 109 Pages

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