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Is There A Man In The House?- by Woodrow Kroll


"God has some specific things to say in His Word concerning what He wants men to be. Knowing who you are and how you are supposed to run your life isn't all that hard when you allow your Maker to provide the directions."

Many men struggle to understand themselves and the role God wants them to fill in their families. With society's gender blending, blurred responsibilities and conflicting definitions of family, trying to figure out what it means to be a man can be perplexing.

Based on his popular series of radio messages, this book by Woodrow Kroll helps you identify and live up to the responsibilities God has given you as the man of your home. You'll learn what it means to be the priest in your household, a counsellor for your children and a complete lover to your wife. And you'll discover how to be a better encourager, provider and leader for your family by following biblical principles.

Woodrow Kroll is the General Director and Bible Teacher for Back to the Bible. For ten years he served as the president of Practical Bible College in Binghamton, New York. He has written more than a dozen books and is a popular speaker at such conferences as The Cove, Bibletown and Word of Life. Dr. Kroll and his wife, Linda, reside in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Paperback Cover- 193 Pages

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