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Looking Good But Feeling Bad- by Mary Ann Mayo


From our stock of OOPS - (Officially Out Print Selection)-

Are you unhappy about your weight?  Do you believe that your life would improve if you were better looking?  Discover how a healthy body image can set you free to enjoy the way you look.

Beauty may only be skin deep, but its power penetrates almost every aspect of our lives. How you feel about your body can profoundly shape your self-esteem, sex life, relationships, work and spirituality,

In her revealing analysis of the power of body image, Mary Ann Mayo, a marriage and family therapist, invites you to look at what has shaped your attitude toward your body, She unlocks the prison of impossible standards and invites you to recover a sense of self-worth and personal potential,

'Her upfront, honest approach is very refreshing and powerful. She gives us the answers to the universal questions about femininity, womanhood, self-esteem and spirituality, A book every woman should read.'- Emille Barnes, author of 'Survival for Busy Women'

Paperback Cover- 216 Pages

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