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I Love You Talk To Me- Donald R. Harvey


From our stock of OOPS - (Officially Out Print Selection)-

IS IT REALLY POSSIBLE to have the intimacy you crave— and were created forfrom your spouse? In his latest book, Don Harvey answers with a resounding "Yes"!"

You can have a close-knit, loving relationship with the one you married. But having a marriage of this quality may require some changes, and the number one change may be to start talking. "In marriage, the pathway to intimacy is through talking. It is through talking, that dissatisfactions—the hurts and frustrations that arise in every relationshipcan be resolved."

Harvey helps you achieve clearer communication and a stronger bond with your mate. He identifies the things that stand between you and your marriage partner and outlines the steps necessary to build a vibrant, healthy marriage. By applying the practical wisdom on these pages, you can have an intimate marriage!

Donald R.Harvey, ph.d.,is currently a member of the graduate counseling faculty at Trevecca University and maintains a counseling practice in Nashville, Tennessee. He is the author of several books on marriage, including When the One You Love Wants to Leave and Love Secured: How to Prevent a Drifting Marriage.

Paperback Cover- 223 Pages

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