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The Holy Spirit

God In You - by David Jeremiah


From our stock of OOPS - (Officially Out Print Selection)-

The Holy Spirit- He is God

And if you belong to Jesus Christ, He is in you. According to Dr. David Jeremiah, this mighty resident within will change life beyond anything you might dream.   He not only lays the biblical foundation for understanding the Spirit's multiple ministries, he also shows how this "forgotten  member of the Trinity" can transform a marriage, a parent, a church, a relationship at work, and attitudes toward life itself. GOD IN YOU! It's no dream. It's a truth as real as this mornings sunrise. And this is the book that will show how to enjoy Him in all His wonderful power and abundance.

We have an indwelling source of power in the person of the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live the Christian life. Without Him, we're about as useful to God's kingdom as an unplugged toaster" DAVID JEREMIAH

Don't let the unbelief and cynicism of our culture—or the unbiblical excesses of unbalanced teaching— drive you away from the very teaching that will give you the greatest joy and fulfilment of your life. Within these pages, Dr. David Jeremiah gives believers a gift beyond reckoning. This is clear, Bible-based, life-related teaching on a subject that has all the potential to turn your life upside down—or maybe right side up.

Hardback Cover- 272 Pages

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