From our stock of OOPS - (Officially Out Print Selection)-
Understanding a Mother's Impact on Her Son and How it Affects His Marriage
One of the most powerful relationships experienced by a man is with is mother. She was the first to nurture him, love him and comfort him at his entrance into this world. And her influence continues into adulthood- shaping his decisions, his career and his family relationships.
It should be no surprise that such a powerful bond can put pressure on a marriage. In The Other Woman in Your Marriage, Norm Wright investigates the mother-son relationship and sheds light on its value- as well as on the problems that can occur.
"Deep down, men's feelings and expectations about themselves and the women in their lives can often be attributed to their childhood experiences with their mother."
"The best step a mother can take is to validate her son's quest for independence and encourage the separation process."
"We have all inherited relationships either by bloodlines or through marriage in which we truly wish we had been left out of the will."
"Keep in mind that your own value and worth is not based upon your son's perception, or on how well you did as a parent."
"The goal of parents whose son's lifestyle they reject should be to make their value system clear, and to show loving concern, without being lured into the co-dependency trap."