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The Practice Of The Presence Of God- by Brother Lawrence


In this timeless classic, discover the key to living a life of joy: the cultivation of a continual sense of God's presence. Brother Lawrence discovered this secret more than 300 years ago in a monastery in France, but its truth has continued through the centuries to bless Christians who truly seek to know God and feel His presence.

When Nicholas Merman was eighteen, the sight of a tree stripped of its leaves, followed by the thought that the leaves would precede flowers and fruits, which would appear again shortly, kindled in  him an appreciation of God's power and providence. 

He finally entered a monastery in midlife and spent the next thirty years as a cook for his order. More importantly, he sought and eventually achieved the ability to walk continually in God's presence, continually "blessing God, praising Him, adoring Him. & and loving Him." Those who knew him delighted in Brother Lawrence's joyful spirit and collected his few writings and published them. Countless others continue to benefit to this day from Brother Lawrence's discovery of how to walk with God.


  • A Pilgrim's Prayer
  • Conversations
  • Letters

Paperback cover- 107 Pages

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