Few Christians would question the importance of the biblical command to "go into all the world preach the gospel." Unfortunately, because of an unclear understanding of what that means, many shy away from actually sharing their faith. They don't think they have the ideal personality or know the "right" method.
But you might be surprised by God's true purpose for evangelism. In these ten chapters, focusing on the foundational principles of evangelism, you'll learn God's real reason for evangelism and the answers to common questions like: Who is "my neighbour"? How can I share Christ's love with them? How can I live out Christ's teaching at work, home, and in daily relationships?
Individually, or in a group, discover in these helpful chapters how God really can use you to share His Word with the world.
Evangelism is tracts, crusades, and altar calls. It's door-to-door witnessing. Tuesday night visitation. Revivals.
At least, that's what we often assume.
Actually, evangelism is much broader than those techniques . . . much bigger than a once-a-year event or a weekly program. It's both natural and supernatural. It includes both simple conversations and life-changing conversions. It's as complex as the relationships it flows out of and as diverse as the people it reaches. Through the gospel it proclaims, evangelism is God's channel of love to a lost and needy world.
I'm so glad you've chosen to take a fresh look at evangelism with me. I promise you, this won't be a "ten steps to successful soul winning"-type Bible study. As helpful as good techniques are, I've decided to focus this study on things like prayer and attitudes and lifestyles and perspectives—the heart of the Christian. Because that's where true evangelism begins. - Chuck Swindoll
1 God's Strange Change Plan Selected Scriptures
2 Sharing the Good News as a Church Survey of Acts
3 Taking Advantage of Today's Advantages Luke 10:25-37
4 A Nonexclusive Covenant Selected Scriptures
5 Strengthening Your Grip on Evangelism Acts 8:26-39
6 "Mr. Smith, Meet Your Substitute" Selected Scriptures