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Sexual Harassment No More- by Jim and Sally Conway



What are the new rules for men and women?  ~  Handling unwanted sexual comments and advances

What men need to know to avoid harassment   ~   How to know if you're doing it

Resolving the emotional effects    ~     Can harassment happen in marriage?

Men and women are asking, "What's the line between ordinary friendliness and improper sexual advances? How are the sexes supposed to relate in the nineties?" This is not just a subject for the courts. It is intensely personal to every woman who has been the victim of harassment and to every man who has seen how women suffer. What are practical ways to respond to unwanted sexual talk and actions? Who should be told, and what can be done to stop it? This book is also must reading for men who are confused these days when gender roles are changing so fast. The Conways offer insights and practical suggestions for both men and women to put a stop to one of today's most widespread problems. 

"Sexual harassment is a troubling problem that can destroy self-esteem and limit—even derail—career choices. It can be subtle; it can be blatant. In Sexual Harassment No More, Jim Conway and Sally Conway explore differences in attitudes of males and females, define the ranges that harassment can take, and provide useful guidelines on how to fight back. From the passive acceptance of 'business as usual,' we must become sensitive to the problems caused by genuine harassment" NANCY LANDON KASSEBAUM, United States Senator.

  Jim and Sally Conway are internationally known counsellors. Jim holds five degrees in phenology and theology. Sally holds an M.S. in human development. They speak and write extensively and are co directors of Mid-Life Dimensions. Their books include Traits of a lasting Marriage, Menopause, Men in Mid-Life Crisis, Women in Mid-Life Crisis, Your Husbands Mid-Life Crisis and Adult Children of Legal or Emotional Divorce.

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