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The Holy Spirit At Work Today- by John F. Walvoord


Everywhere, from youth groups to seminaries, people are talking about the Holy Spirit and asking questions.  Many are not finding satisfactory answers.  

For the most part the twentieth century has focused on human experience rather than theology.  This tendency to exalt present experience as the main source of truth has given rise to neorthodoxy with dependence on present experiences and values; the charismatic movement with emphasis on speaking in tongues and divine healing; and more recently to the growing interest in mystical experience and experimentation in the occult, which is part of the demon influence in contemporary experience.  All these trends and movements have tended to ignore the truths about the Holy Spirit revealed in the Bible.

Contemporary literature has tended to confuse rather than clarify issues, as most of the books have not assumed that the Scriptures are the final authority. This study is a restatement of biblical truth concerning the work of the Holy Spirit.

Read The Holy Spirit at Work Today to better understand the Holy Spirit and His work in the world today.

Paperback Cover- 63 Pages

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