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Parent Care- by Woodrow Kroll and Don Hawkins


One out of every four American  households currently provides informal care to a relative or friend age fifty or older.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, lie is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."

In Parent Care, Dr. Woodrow Kroll, Don Hawkins and others share their stories of "parent care" and the hope they found through Christ in each situation.

If you're not already dealing with this issue of caring for aging parents, you or someone you know probably soon will be. Here's a book that provides a biblical foundation and practical strategies for dealing with these complex issues.

Woodrow Kroll is the president of Back to the Bible in Lincoln, Nebraska. He has written numerous books including The Joy of Belonging and When God Doesn't Answer.

Don Hawkins is producer and co-host for Back to the Bible. His books include NeverGive Up and The Promise of Gods Presence. Don Hawkins and Woodrow Kroll

Paperback Cover- 100 Pages

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