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Church Leadership

Jesus Christ Disciplemaker- by Bill Hull


"What Jesus modelled for us should be commonplace among us," the author writes.  Following Jesus through the gospels, the book outlines Christ's methods in training His twelve disciples.  Bill Hull presents a biblical pattern that emulates Christ's model for reaching the lost and establishing new converts in their faith.
Bill Hull takes you through four growth phases: evangelising, establishing, equipping, and leading.  By following these phases patiently and lovingly, you will cultivate consistent disciples who remain in Christ, are obedient, bear spiritual fruit, and glorify God.
If you're looking for a disciple-making program, you've come to the wrong place.  But if you are looking for an ongoing process whereby people  are developed into disciples who are prepared to go out and make new disciples, then Jesus Christ Disciplemaker is the book you need.

Hardback Cover 238 pages

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